Thursday, August 12, 2010

2010 update

Just in the event that I do get some new readers now & then, I thought I'd update.

I continue working with Cathy Savage & am rocking their workouts. They are awesome & just the style that I'm enjoying. The food is a little different than what the program prescribes only because I'm not competing & have no intention of doing so again. What I'm doing is living life. So my choices for food are a little more "open" than preferred but the majority of my choices are program compliant. I do enjoy a bar daily, a small coke & do not worry about protein at every meal.

I got married to the man of my dreams on February 27, 2010 in Las Vegas with a small host of our family & friends. Exactly one month later, we celebrated with a local reception. Incidentally, our wedding date was my parent's wedding anniversary & my Mom's birthday so it was a special date to me. Kevin's parents were also married that same week 40 years ago. Very cool!

Workouts include running 2-3 times a week, cardio daily (20 minutes on training day) & weight training (Savage Figure program) 3-4 days a week (depending on programming.)

So that's the update, feel free to ask any questions that you have!!!! And thanks for following along!

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